Solar Dehumidifier to Save Energy
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- Dexter
- Issue Time
- May 4,2023
Rational use of energy is coming an essential part of economic development. Especially for some frequent power outage areas. Solar energy is a kind of clean energy that can be easily get. EAST is also seeking for different ways to improve efficiency as well as Solar Dehumidifiers and Solar Air Conditioners.

Rational use of energy is coming an essential part of economic development. Especially for some frequent power outage areas. Solar energy is a kind of clean energy that can be easily get. EAST is also seeking for different ways to improve efficiency as well as Solar Dehumidifiers and Solar Air Conditioners.

Shown as above graphical representation.
The solar energy will supply for both Dehumidifier running and energy storage batteries charging when there is sufficient sunshine in the daytime.
The energy storage batteries will supply for Dehumidifier when there is no sufficient sunshine or in the night.
Grid electricity will supply for both Dehumidifier running and batteries charging when there is no sunshine or low batteries.
The Grid electricity is only for emergency when neither low battery nor sunshine.
Energy with 15KWP Photovoltaic Panel, 10KWH Energy Batteries, 3KW Inverter.
EAST ONE Dehumidifier, it can work 11~17 hours/day (without grid electricity)
Photovoltaic panel working time: 5~8 hours/day
Battery working time: 6~9 hours/day
Grid electricity time: 7~13 hours/day
If the sun shine times lasts longer, such as 10~12 hours of sun shine in Africa and equatorial regions, the grid electricity period will be less(around 3~8 hours/day).